Random Images, Videos & Music in Analog Dimension

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Why did Fortnite do this?! Now there's gonna be Fortnite Kids thirsting over a Greek goddess! AND YOU CAN BET THERE'S GONNA BE KIDS LIKE THAT!

So, I was searching for the characters of Jet Set Radio to make fanart and... WHAT???

I took this photo of a beach near a local park and wow...

Since you guys wanted sketches/progress reports of the drawings I make instead of me summoning every 2 days to post and hiding back into my dormant cave after doing everything i hafta do


da girls!!1!!1!!1! :DDDDDDD

Soooo in my town we have 3 schools (i go to public) but apparently my wishes came true of not going to school today because the catholic school apparently got a bomb threat

This place about to get litπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€