General in Artcore_Japan's Community

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We have Bridgette Evelyn and Saburō Kenzou as currently the only two party members in the upcoming game ( so what are your suggestions for a new party member for the upcoming game (in this case, a earthbound like game)?

I am introducing more characters in my upcoming game (link:

My upcoming game ( needs to be promoted

#MayTheFourthBeWithYou is there any ideas for my upcoming game?

i should expand my upcoming game ( even more than before. What do you think?

I am starting a series called MegaByte MegaStars, it's Episode 0 right here:

MBMS 1 Episode 0
MegaByte MegaStars Episode 0: Meet the CompetitorsIn this Episode, you meet the competitors!Site: https://...

May i not felt well, but i will still work on my games


I added a graveyard, also added Gunpei Yokoi's Grave.

The game's Link:

A new game by Rosimilor, a Developer owned by Me.