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Steam store page is up! We're that much closer to releasing.…
Also, stay tuned for Saturday for a sneak peek of the FINAL LEVEL before that happens!
This is the strongest* enemy in the game - the deadly Mantis. Despite its enormous size, it is extremely fast and will cut you in half with its scythe-like claws before you realize it.
Fun times!
* or is it?

Wagner Story just got an update called Version 2.0, That fixed minor text error and now you can play this game with no misspelled words coming from Wagner?

We are on the map now! Ready your wishlists - early access version is coming this year, 2022!
The game will be released both here on GameJolt, and on Steam:…
Nanotech showcase: SECOND WIND
What it does: Revives you once at 50% health when you die
How to get: Beat Arena on Intermediate
Who's it for: Players who aren't perfect and make mistakes sometimes (e.g, me)
*Pssst* - Next week's post is gonna be BIG!

(Check out Wagner Story & follow the game page)
Here is the link to play the game

Brand New Game - Release Trailer
A brand new game have arrived........Wagner Storyワグナーの物語(Link In The Description)
Nanotech showcase: REGEN
How to get: Complete a hard challenge mode
What it does: After taking damage, heals half of health lost. Resets if you get hurt again while it's active.
Who it's for: Cautious players who take time to learn boss attack patterns.

Wind Blade Saga
(Title Screen & Plot Synopsis)
(Plot Synopsis In The Description)