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Gala Christmas

For a long time i wanted to do this thing! New Year`s space shooter!

Space flight, so is it so simple? Just fly and nothing to do? Well, not always so easy. You can run at purple saucer!

Submarine`s Mission

Simple retro picture about videogame Silent Service. About submarine.

But, it is my own art.


What's this? A gameplay video? Things must be getting serious!

Be sure to turn your sound on to hear the epic new title theme music that I teased earlier!

Also, visit my YouTube channel to keep up with gameplay & music uploads!

Do you know about sputnik and beatnik? They are very different kind. But they are connected via space race era! This is something about Sputnik-1. Late 50s!


What a vampire?!

Test about vampire. About 40 questions. 2 answers on each one. Play the night!

Learn yourself as a vampire!


Blind Maze

Logic and text game, written in QBasic64. Take list of paper and write moves!

Find key and exit from maze! Super retro! Text game.


Level 2 "Sunset Dream" video. Just like tv series from 80s, second episode.

Sam 3D Blast, A Game Where Sam Goes In A Experience That's 3D! (kinda)

