All Posts in Bendy and the Dark Revival™

The Dark Revival is Coming...

Wolfs, Witches' and Demons

Chapter 1 lighting test.


#joeysartchallenge #BENDY #BATIM

I hope you like it

RUS: Пришло время узнать жителей этой таинственной студии

ENG: It’s time to learn about the inhabitants of this mysterious studio

#BENDY #BATDR #SATDA #SandwichAndTheDarkAwakening

Which game's lore is my favorite? I gotta go with the Bendy universe because the world seems practically endless with twists and turns.#GJAsks


this for sammy

Today's #GJAsks question for today's, what game has your/MY favorite lore? Well, there's a lot of course, but once again, they're all known as mascot horror games!!!!!

RUS: Работаю над Sandwich And The Dark Awakening🥪

ENG: Working on Sandwich And The Dark Awakening🥪

#BATDR #BENDY #SATDA #SandwichAndTheDarkAwakening

In 30 days since the last publication, 100 people have joined. I am starting to develop a trailer. Screenshots of the game will be coming soon.

Thank you all!

#Bendy #Fangame


RUS: Присоединяйтесь к официальному дискорд серверу!

ENG: Join the official discord server!

#BENDY #BATDR #SATDA #SandwichAndTheDarkAwakening