general in First person shooters

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Some announcements for Dark Assault

-mobile port is in development 2023 release

-Possible QnA coming soon for Dark Assault Vietnam so if you have questions for this game (Story mode, features, etc)

#gamedev #indiegamedev #mobilegames #devlog #andrioddev

Announcement for game modes

So besides the story mode this is possible modes we'll add in the game these modes may be later changed or removed in later development

-Survival mode (Story mode maps)

-Time Trial


#indie #dev #showcase

#voiceactor needed for our first person shooter "Dark Assault Vietnam" dm us on Instagram @the_complexz_force55

Roles needed

-A friendly but psycho soldier

-A general

#voiceacting #hiring #voiceactor #firstpersonshooter #indiedev

What to expect for Dark Assault Vietnam story mode

-Lasting around 5-7 hours

-Taking place during the Vietnam War

-Will feature a epilogue

-Year set: Story going from 1966-1972

More news coming soon for other game modes and story mode

#indiedev #dev