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#GJAsks Wario land

The original sonic games #GJAsks

Does anyone know what exp does on game jolt?

You often get it from trophies.

#GJAsks what retro game deserves a remake for me is Super Mario 64. Not counting the DS version, but the original with a updated polish of the 3d poly, more quest mode sort of similar to the DS version and fix camera control.

Just a screenshot from an older account.


#gjasks I even do the challenge if you think

And the winner is #challange #gamejoltchallenges

#GJAsks ya know what it is

to be honest, i just really want there to be more love given to miis

#GJAsks What Retro Game deserves a Remake?

Hmm, hard question...

What about Atari's Ms.Pacman? Its a really cool and old game, a remake of it will be very good .

But well, we all know this is not goinf to happen

Relived - Progress Update
