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what you gotta say!!

I am so sorry everybody but the series is done, the world is lost, I guess it was only the 262 day Minecraft challenge. remember everybody back up your worlds, you may end up like me, a failure maybe next year I can have 365 reborn.
Hey everybody so I have some horrible news about the 365 build minecraft challenge... The world was deleted more info in the article #365buildchallenge let me know if you know how to get it back (! I USE WINDOWS 10 EDITION!)

he's a semi aquatic 4 legged mammal of action, he's also number 261 of the 365 days challenge I'm doing comment the next build I should do #365buildChallenge commented by @ElecMan_hg

minion number 261 of the 365 days challenge I'm doing comment the next build I should do #365buildChallenge commented by @Foxy-The-Pirate-Fox_

āŖ doofenshmirtz evil incorporated āŖ number 230 of the 365 days challenge I'm doing comment the next build I should do #365buildChallenge
I made Mario in world box and this happened I am so sad

do not worry everybody I will keep comments on, YoU gUyS wHeRe 100% WoRrIeD
My favorite video games are Minecraft, Mario World, and slime rancher right now, they always change.

I hate the new roblox logo and I don't know why