general in LUKELCS Fan Community
Calling all Hunters, we've managed to intercept one of their communications, but all we got was this darkened image.
We're working on decoding it right now, but we very need your assistance to speed things up.
The Order will not fall.
While the number of Stickers the enemy has is greater than ours, it is still not the end.
We're counting on you!
You will be receiving info soon on what you can do to help the cause.
Idk if any of you are interested in Portal 2 community tests, but I started making a series of chambers about teleporting cubes, check em out :…
Clara Spell episode 2 in development
classic music:
So, what would you call a podcast with 3 slightly unhinged guys talking about games stuff here on Game Jolt?
And what should they talk about?
What do you all think so far?
Just went to scp 3008 (aka ikea) Review. Too much stuff 5/10. Survived it tho, feelin gud.
while i'm working on Clara Spell, i decided to put the witches among humans rewitched issue 0 owl house comic i made (and based on morninmark's au) onto gamejolt, hope you enjoy :)