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Hey guys, the vlog will take abit longer to finish because now I have motion sickness from that vr thing in the arcade thing, I will notify you once I'm feeling better, stay meming ๐Ÿคข

New poster Coming soon #LostTrackOfTIME



Thank you ! <3

-5 hours till the release as a reward

Heya GameJolt! A day or two ago, I decided to tweak the design of my Lego creation a little (mostly for stability reasons).

I got nothing to do, so instead I'm going to do easter art tomorrow and do some quest about it soon, so yeah the art commission is closed, sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž

102 subs yaaaaaaayyyyy

Ok goodbye everyone, see you in the future.

Since I still doing school studies, I have to do art later when I finish school, but I stream alot for like 2 months, so for me, instead I'm going to draw all gamejolt creators as my art style while I'm streaming, anyway cya later everyone, stay meming.

Search up boykisser on for a surprise :)