artwork/photography in Natalie’s Abode

who else up gamin their jolt rn?

Apocalypse but sung by me and @NatalieTowles
so uh i got slandered by non other then @SonicD07 himself
lemme explain
so i have a alt named @cheesypoofcartman and i used it to invite sonic to a gc to confront him
and he ended up using my alt to say that i reported someones post when i didnt

havent drawn natalie in a while: Μέρος Δύο

i got a dress :3333
It's a bit small though and a pain in the butt to take off 😭😭
i remember that time when temmie_cult_leaders alt got into a gc i was in and and had the greatest insult ive ever seen
"cheesy poof cartman = 10 year old"
keep in mind this child reports anyone when they do something they dont like