general in Rain World

State your wisdom, echo.

rainworld oc.. they dont have a name yet and are still a wip

It is the final day, day 31 with the ancient(s). Have not made it far enough into the game to know much about these guys but I know what their purpose is in game. Made my own version of one since i cant find any definitive pictures of the ancients.

Day 30 is the noodle fly, this time however he is IN SPACE?!?!?!

Day 29 was level 10 Karma. I will not ever reach that far because the highest ive made it is 6, and that by camping lol.

Day 28 marks 6 years of rain world! Even though ive only been around for maybe 8 months of that the community is amazing! Im oddly proud of this peice too, i like the vibe of it for some reason even though its super simple.

Day 27 is a very icky bug called the Aquapede. I put him in this picture frame because in my world it would be extinct. 0/10 not homie material

"Don't worry guys, it's just an average enemy-"

Day 26 is the YEEK, a lil dude. He goes BOIOIOING and is a real one for that.

Day 25 is The Martyr, a silly little achievement where you starve yourself to death repeatedly. Actually, maybe not that silly.

he's lonely :(