Fan Games in Sega

Your post -coming Holiday 2023

Tail's design update statis: I have just about finished all the in-game sprites. After that I'll have to import all of them into the game then update any HD dialogue arts that have Tails in them.

After that I can get back to where I left off on the game.


Here's Knuckles & Shadow's Portraits for V3.2.2! I'm getting this done much faster than expected, and should hopefully have at least the base of the new character select by next week.

HOPEFULLY I can get some more done tomorrow to post.

So, change of plan. The portraits seen for Tails & Espio will be used for the Lifebars, & THESE will be used for the Select Screen. As you can tell, the portraits are bigger, meaning the select screen will be getting a redesign to accommodate this

Espio & Tails' new portraits for Sonic Fighting Heroes V3.2.2

Tails now looks more "battle ready" & has his chain glove from Sonic Battle, which he'll be utilizing in his new moveset

Atmospheric Maker

#Sonic #Sonic_OC


Turn Around OC Maker

This is 100% an OC Maker revolution

Also I sdded a Gradient Effect (For the Spines) and some backgrounds (that aren't visible here :})

#Sonic #Sonic_OC #Sonic_OC_Maker

Walk cycles...I hate animating walk cycles...

Sonic OC Maker - Animation Revolution?

#Animation #WIP #Sonic #OC #Sonic_OC_Maker

Just finished animating Sonic & Metal for V.3.2.2’s Press Start screen. I’ll post a screenshot of the complete screen later today.