Fan Games in Sega

Your post -coming Holiday 2023

8 minutes...

This will be my longest and hardnest game.

I actually at finishing game.


When I'm sitting at the computer, I can't tear myself away from it. Sonic Solo is coming later this montch!

IM BACK TO THE HOME, not for long but i did.

some thinks and changes will be maked in this montch

vote on what i should focus most!

  8 votes Voting finished

After 3 long months I have finally finished redesigning Tails...Never again will I redesign a character mid development, that all took way too much time out of development.

When I come back from this 10 day trip I will resume where I left off with Rotting

I'm leaving tomorrow for a 10 day camping trip in Vegas and this is the final dialogue frame I have to redo. I am PRAYING TO JESUS that I can finish it before I leave and feel accomplished. I'll let y'all know if I do.


Introducing Silver's new Emerald Finish, along with the remade Canyon Cruise! (Please excuse the laggy footage, still working on getting better recordings)


On top of remaking Tails I've also gone back and patched up a few things that were left a little undone, plus added a Chapter Select screen and upgraded the Chapter intro.

(Nothing is final)