Haven Art! in The Haven Zone

Share your creations!

*#JOLTober [day 15] box art!

*box art, but it's if the old lore of the haven zone smp was turned into a game!

*...that was a p o o r l y constructed sentence, but oh well-


*a special request from @CDplayer - he asked me to draw him as a little nightmares two character! :D

*also, congrats on 500 followers!!!

*you deserve it! :)

*happy birthday to @Clearlydiffrent! :D

*go follow him, he’s an amazing artist!

*also, I tried to make it good-

*don’t judge me-


Ok, so honestly ik we all agree that @Dig1PUMPKIN IS LITERALLY AWESOME and I tried to do her concept of my oc- regardless to say, she made it better lol GO FOLLOW HER AND LIKE THE OG POST WITH THE CONCEPT ART


#havenzone B)


*new minecraft skin concept design for @Artsy_Smarty!

*go follow her, she is an amazing person and a talented artist! :D
