irl in Victoree's Art Community

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I remember one day someone asked me why I always wore the same coat and I'll answer. Because it can be turned into a skirt and worn normally, I can make it turn into a coat and it has the colors of the non-binary flag, so it meets my needs.

Gmornirg maybe i have a idea for a closed

i passed my driving test, so now i got my license. Cheesecake factory here i come!!

This dream is finaly true, I have a drawing tablet!!! Now my drawings will get more professional with some time!

I genuinely cannot believe I just had to tell my friend to stop eating our Christmas tree.

I forgot to update my lego portrait of my angel dust art, I've finally have it mounted on the wall now Yay ^w^

Made the one of the BEST anime duos as papercraft! :D

gmorning Guys and killy are waked me with her fluffly body -_-

Drew over this mask, for comic con

Patinha vibe :P