Constructive Criticism Corner in The Growing Artist Aggregation
All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!
Opinions on the redesign? Or ways to make it better?
Old design second image
1828th Andoxious redesign!!!
I actually figured out on what world this MF shall live in and made him edgy... But better. Ü
Anyways,what do I need to change about this design?
Improved my Joker face design... Thoughts?
Also, got some help from a friend named @hooded-the-original . Go follow this guy!
Practice art but I feel like I’m doing something wrong 🙁 help
How i draw eyes now VS how I USED to draw eyes
I love this man but why is he so hrd to fucking draw.
Please give my dumbass advice (ㅅ´ ˘ `)