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My new Wacom pen just arrived!

I tested it out and it works a lot better and more smoothly than my older one, plus this one has the buttons on it!

And I also got some Adhesive tabs for my tablet so it’ll help it stop slipping


Unfortunately, I sugarcoated it

I’ve been just listening too old game console like the PS2, PS3, and Wii startup sounds and I almost felt like tearing up, but it was still comforting

I miss those times so much man-

And now I wanna go play them when I get home now Lol


More Progress!

Just finished with basic editing(for regular solid geometry)

And the collision seems to actually be working flawlessly!

The areas are bigger than they look, but I'll work on that soon

I’ve made the best decision of my life

More Progress:

Managed to get geometry loading in and out based on its distance from the main screen.

It’s gonna be pretty helpful for being able to display the actual level

Random opinion, out of all the Chicas, I’ve always thought that the withered version of Chica to be the most unsettling, the double jaw kind of implies that for me

Variables Galore

Everything's actually working fine since I actually have things mapped out, just working on the level making system, but I've got the basic geometry working out fine.

-Update on Commissions-

I’ve got Stripe now, so now people who don’t have a Venmo or a PayPal can still commission me

Benjiro Adventure