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Bad news about Daris Venture

  6 votes Voting finished

Im remember about... CAPX and MOD IO
Page of game on MOD IO is avanable
CAPX is uploaded


Changing some animations... Again
But i`m don`t show them to you
Here`s some *VINE BOOM*

Seems many of my beta testers are missing out on the game's side content. To help rectify that, I added a noticeboard right next to the spawn point to tell you about new stuff you can do every chapter.

This is how you unlock nanotech, so it's worth doing!

And now Tuhrahkkkii's Dropship is playable too. Unique weapons are:

* Autocannon: Fires in spurts with recharging ammo

* Cluster bombs: Fills the screen with so many effects that enemies just give up and die

Kodon's Hawk is now playable in the space level! Each ship has 2 unique weapons in addition to the upgradable laser:

* Flak cannon: Huge spread shot; hits almost everything

* Particle beam: Piercing damage to everything in a line


Original escape themes is here!
Thanks to @calebius
We are so close and close with every day to Demo 1!


be afraid of the button
(music from pizza tower as placeholders)

Wow. Just... wow.

In one day, an asset flooded into this post, just like the game.

Thank you very much. You are my motivation.

I made some minor improvements to the shop. Stat upgrades appear as tangible objects in the store, and animated ceiling lights illuminate the wall.

Also - there are still vacancies for beta testers! Reply here if you're interested in trying the game!