All Posts in D7 Studios | Scratch

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I should change the map to a new one.

ngl this one is pretty old

After @skyistumbling helped polish up my game, it looks so much more better! I am currently working on adding more weapons to the game.


proof that this is still coded in scratch

I added realistic fog to my game, ISOLATION. Advanced grass effects were also implemented.

Messing around with shockwave 2, recreated Lost Hills from Fallout 1/


I've released a TopDown-CharacterRig-AnimationToolkit for scratch. You can easily animate smooth animations via code for topdown games. Credit is mandatory when using it (@bamfyu ).

Christmas bamfyu vs normal bamfyu

Just tried to load a new obj :)
Do u know what is it?

my chromebook is on fire. no seriously my chromebook feels like it took a walk in death valley or something. #needshelp

I was working on my game and made a random brick texture which is pretty good. so I guess use it idk. give credit i guess