Keep yo hoes in check 🗣️🔥🔥
Made my own version of Charlie
mixed the original design and making some tweaks
Character by @Charlie_Dingbat
That's ROUND THREE of Sonic Doodles, might do a 4th one soon..
Next post is gonna catch you off guard!
~[|| Welcome to the cardboard box!! ||]~
• This is a community of sillies that can post their stuff for all eyes to see and enjoy.
➡ You can share: art/animation, memes, clips, game screenies/clips, advertisments, etc. — You can post ANYTHING here for everyone to see themselves.
• Please remain neutral and/or respectful to the fellow members (the sillies), avoid conflictions, and be considerate of everyone else.
➡ Please avoid the following:
◦ NSFW/SFW or anything 18+
◦ Racist Word or Phrases
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◦ Copying/Reposting others' posts and/or content and either claiming or not crediting the original creator
These are simple rules to abide by, so just have respect & don't make enemies, and just enjoy yourself in the community.
>>> Icon & Header made by yours truly.