Randomized Posts in Indie Games

Hi! Welcome! What’s your mind? Please share it! :D

Ever wondered how the dial hand moves in Clockwork Palace? Take a closer look at this small but crucial mechanic that plays a big role in how puzzles unfold.

Let us know what you think!

#PlaceholderArt #GameMechanic


Here’s the very first look at our game mechanics! A quick glimpse —what do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Note: Placeholder art is being used at this stage.

Friday Update! Here’s a rough concept sketch from our art team to give you a taste of the world we're building.

Can you guess what we’re up to with this scene?

Happy weekend, everyone! #FridayArt

You know what’s odd? Neither of us ever find a way to gain Happiest Day.

5 Reasons Why Game Developers Prefer Human-Composed Music Over AI-Generated Tracks

The one and only Freddy Fazbear!

"Fazbear had nothing else to do, just bored of nothing." (Joke)

Do you like new changes throughout the communities?

ROBLOX just a platform that had every games in it that you can choose from ^.^

Just imagine if there’s crossover for all games. :T

Very Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares had similar backstory..