show and tell in The Icehouse - indie, adventure & more

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Discover Francium, free series of funny cartoon point & click adventure games!

In this episode, play as Roboto and visit the Mystic Lion Zoo

New episodes in the future = more Francium stories to come! Stay tuned

Update on the progress (or lack thereof) with Druidic.

It will have at least one branch outside of the main storyline with a set of challenges for the player/reader to overcome in order to return to the main storyline.

An image of the areas at the start

I made Zly.ii during a 1 month game jam, created everything on my own, including 3d assets (3dsmax). The game is made of 360° panoramic views like Myst III and IV. Attached you can see in-game and wip screenshots. More info in article

A new wip screenshot for Caesura, wandering spirits in the heights