Random in KUNOLEO

No one leaves the basement.

my favorite ship, best ever <3

do you like the change in my profile?

i'm still taking a break, hope you guys are doing fine.

while i'm taking a break, i noticed that i'm almost at 400 followers.

and thanks for the 12k likes, love you guys


not sure if Touhou already has a sequel but anyways


Jeffy tells a story of how he got his black eye

also be sure to get @FizzAlex to 100 followers while you're at it

get @KAREEMYOUSEFQUIT to 500 followers

unfortunately, i failed this, i was on a cruise so, i'm out of money :<

@tangy_games is in a coma for a few days

his doctor told me I can use this picture in the hospital before the coma

almost finished tails skypatrol, i literally died so many times in this game on sonic origins lol