This is it... this is the year #BattleGemPonies comes out... My entire #gamedev life has led to the number 2024 being on the title screen of my high school #ponymon dream game 🦄🎮
- Got 120 days left to make it happen! 😤🚀
Aerith Gainsborough as a pony 🌸
Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII as a pony ♥️
Кто хочет поиграть в Тихий Понивиль?
Who wants to play Silent Ponyville?
Ponatina: "Pathetic"
This was a neat little project I wanted to work on.
Check out Battle Gem Ponies here:
Check out my YouTube here:
Joyance's got the munchies methinks. Hopefully this'll keep her occupied for a while.
Art by https://twitter.com/Witch_Taunter
Commissioned by RP422
A drawing of the Cutie Mark Crusaders for CMC Day.
Hello there everypony! Let's flood the platform with ponies by starting here, and inviting your pony friends!
Before you joined the community make sure you have read and agreed the rules.
Be nice and kind.
Please don't use offensive words, bad words, or hurtful words that can offend others, this community is a friendly community.
Please treat everyone with respect, don't leak any private information about someone or yourself, if someone is being mean tell to the admins as soon as possible.
Please don't post NSFW, offensive, hurtful, and bad post.
Please don't post any kind of non-topic post about MLP.
Please don't spam. If you have a lot of content for channels, try post them in one or a little more posts at different times.
For not following this rule we will eject your some posts from the community!
No advertising or promotion that is not related to MLP.
Use channels correctly. You'll see it in the channels category below.
If you didn't follow the rules you will be banned or you might get a warning.
Frontpage Channel:
What can we accept in Frontpage Channel?
3D/2D Arts;
3D/2D Animations;
And something else...
News - News about MLP and MLP community.
General - Post some general stuffs about MLP.
Questions - Do you have any questions about MLP or about this community? Why won't post it here?
Creations - Post your MLP creations here!
PMV - Here, you can share your MLP edits, Memes and something else.
Playlist - Post your playlist here!
WIP - Post your MLP work in progress works before they completely done.
Fangames - Post your fangames or fangames gameplay here.
Memes - Post your funny memes here.
Thats it thank you :)
![pony.png pony.png](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/15782048-bcgnrg38-v4.png)