Art in PAC-MAN

Share your creations!

This is Felix the Lavalamp Alien! And I've come to make an announcement! I Command you all to praise me!

These guys again
Also ref sheets for them here but it’s still sort of wip lo

SO... today I started to learn Source Filmmaker. I wanted to learn something new. For starters, I made a poster of Pac-Man. I'm still learning the rest.

👻Pac-Man Ghosts🕹️
Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde

Bensiam6397 and Loosey-fur Wolf Redesigns! I actually like how they look.
Logo Art by @ffatalityy , want to see cool art. Go follow that cool artist.

Bensiam6397 X Loosey-fur Wolf | OverCross: Yo-Kai- Canon Ship
FYI, Loosey is a Transgender Girl and Bens Pansexual.