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Skillet (christian band): "I feel like a #Monster!"

(Me: "Someone get that insipid cat away from that can... it's gonna start pissing all over the furniture if it drinks it!")

Most people here are probably too young to recognize the name "Blair Witch" let alone would know that someone made a movie about the ancient occult broad back at the end of the 2nd millennium.

Blair Witch Project is a movie. Just not one you want to see.


(The sequence of pics read fast is the same as the name of the game.)

Bro has a massive powerplant lol

I nade working elevator that goes up to my house/room! Down is the shop and up is my apartment lol.


Apparently Google let me play a very specific but very shitty little game for spare Google Play Points value.

Thank you Google I hate it.

Just found literally an enderman farm! Now I am going to tell my buddy about it!

I know I already used this for someone else' comment but this is funny, so I am posting it here again.


Forge of Empires (2 of 2)


Forge of Empires gameplay (1 of 2)