chatting in pixel's community

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gente de parabens a minha amiga ela ta fazendo 15 anos :3


Guys, i forgot how to draw :(

Soooo... there was this beeeeg art block season that i though it would end in like, a week or two, but it's been months and i can't do anything. Someone help pls '• .•'

guys, my teacher gave me homework to do a couple days ago, now i have one day and it's now exactly... wait... halfway?... half of the half???.... I HAD DONE NOTHING SO FAR

i would tag 15 ppl if i knew 15 ppl on this site but here we go:
@Brumas_Dev for sure



@Argenti_Tetas bc of the tatubola studios

zx_stormy idk your @ man, sorry

how lonely are you?

guys, only warning that i changed my nickname on GJ, for the ones asking, i was previously called by pixel-triumph-2 or just pixel

some specific people i want to warn:



faz perguntas p mim responder tlgd meno

ask me questions to answer

all this time without posting... you think i wasn't onto some stuff?

A.B.A guilty gear XX

My break is almost over fellows, i'll be able to post again, wich is good for you, i'll have i school tho, wich is bad for me :( but it isn't that bad since i'll socialize a bit more... nah all my friend changed schools alr this year will suck