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couldn't figure out how to add collisions to stamps, but I did update the game pictures! (The ones above have replaced old ones)
Thankfully someone replied to my scratch forum and the way they told me how to fix it works, but now the player can walk through the blocks so I asked him how to add collision so I'm just waiting for a reply. I am still trying to figure out collision.
I will be constantly trying to fix the deletion glitch but I with inspecting all possible suspects nothing has come up. I asked how to fix my glitch on scratch discussion forum, but until I get a reply I will constantly be trying to fix the glitch.
Getting to work on fixing the bug rn
Sorry for not fixing deletion glitch yet I have been busy with school and obsessed with Multiversus. I CLAP people with Jason.
I wish Terraria Otherworld would've came out, it looked and sounded sick.