
Comments (15)

What do you think?

none of the files were extracting

Okay so honest thoughts on this, first the negatives then positives.

To start: The fact that the notes come out of nowhere without any sort of build-up is quite unfair to the player, if there were a few seconds of downtime before hand, then it would benefit extremely.

Next: the notes do not match the song very well as most mods do: As an example take a look at any FNF song with repeating player sfx, each note will always make the same sound effect unless the scene changes, what I have noticed even withing the first few moments of game play, there seems to be far more notes then it sounds like there should be, just giving it the 'ol eyeball test will tell you that much.

Next is the characters: Just to name a few things I noticed: Markiplier's outfit changes on every note press, everyone other than Mark seems to be in 140p or perhaps lower given the fact you can clearly see the pixels on their body's, the placement of some if not all make no sense what so ever as most are standing on the table, and the fact that most of the them just get squashed and stretched as a idle, not to mention that they don't have any animations other then their idles for when their notes get pressed.

Then there's the difficulty: The notes are extremely fast most of the time, if you can't beat at least like, 6 vanilla nightmare songs, then don't even try this, Not to mention the fact there's only 1 actual difficulty, although there IS technically another, it seems to be unfinished, it's called "Alt" from what I can tell, you get the first couple of notes then you get nothing afterwards, you also become a black outline of boyfriend instead of Markiplier, then it also makes the notes look normal and there is also no screen shake.

Another thing that i strongly dislike: The fact you cannot see your health, it's quite an interesting choice if I'm to be honest.

I also don't understand: The screen shake, I'm not against the use of screen shake, but the choice to make it so frequent and so powerful is beyond me, I genuinely do not understand why use it so much at such a powerful level?.

This one isn't too bad but: The progress bar doesn't make much sense to me, why have it fill up multiple times? I get the changing colours to symbolise the change in character, But why not just fill it up once whilst having it go slower to account for this change?.

A decently tame one is: The cover looks pretty bad, nobody fits in with anyone else, which Is confusing as they're all a part of the same game other than Markiplier.

Another pretty tame one is: The name of the song when in the mod menu is pretty confusing, instead of saying you fixed it in the name, just make a post here giving a list of fixes or changes.

And to end the list of negatives: The song's length is damn long, no one wants to sit at their keyboard for 6-7 minutes getting finger cramps, and this is assuming you beat the song first try.

Finally we're onto the positives!

So first of: The music in of itself isn't half bad, it sounds like a FNF song, which is the start to any good mod as it doesn't matter how good it looks if the song is ass.

An obligatory mention is: The epilepsy warning, it's great to warn your players if they shouldn't take part because of a health risk, and i personally like that it's right in your face at the start of the song.

So uh, yeah this was my honest "review" of MSTTR's first release, just want to add that this isn't here to make you feel bad, stop making stuff or any of that, it's simply here to give feedback to improve!

if you have any questions MSTTR, then you know where to find me. Hope this was helpful.



Version: 0.2.09 months ago

"If you really believe in something, it can be yours."

This is a FNF mod, not a FNaTI game.

The art used for the Sprites (AKA the renders) are not mine. Credit goes to the people who made them.

Speaking of credits, here's the list of people who made the renders. (The list isn't final)



If you're name isn't here, then come tell me in the comments so I can credit you.

This FNF mod was made with Psych Engine 0.6.3 and not with 0.7.3 (Because it won't work properly, sorry...)

I don't own any of the events used in the chart. And the lua stuff used in it as well.

Finally if you wanna use the Sprites, that's perfectly fine. Just use proper credit please.

BTW If something doesn't work or if it crashes on you, come tell me how and why it happened please.

Hello everyone. This is my first FNF mod. (I know you hear that a lot right?)

So don't expect this to be a masterpiece, alright? (Trust me, you'll see why I said that.)

I just made this for fun. Because I love the song so much, I had to work on a mod for it.

This has been in the works for almost a month, and I think it was worth it in the end.

Firstly I want to say a BIG thank you to @RadianceGamesOfficial for making Treasure Island 2020 and Oblitus Casa. (Good luck with FNaTI 6.5!)

Secondly I wanna say another BIG thank you to the FNaTI Community for being awesome. (You guys and girls rock!)

Finally, I just have to say thank you to W.D. Gaster for making the song.

and W.D. Gaster if you're seeing this, then I hope you like this mod.

I made all of the Sprites (Not the renders.) Except for one.

It's this Mad Markiplier sprite:


This comes from a Boned mod.

Credit goes to the person who made it.


If you wanna help out W.D. Gaster, then go sup to his YT channel.

and if you want to listen to the song, I linked it up with the images up there, so you can watch it.

Or go here:

If you record a video on this and post it on to YT, then come tell me!

I would love to see it! Here's my Discord; mariosonictwilightthomasre_76117

and you can tell me here on Game jolt as well.

That's all from me. I hope you all enjoy this mod, and I'll see you next time.

#fnati #fnf #ourpleguy #fnaf



OUT NOW! (If there's bugs or crashes, come tell me please.)

(Go read the games description for more info.)

Hey there, people.

Is everyone doing okay?

Btw if you're render is used in my FNaTI FNF mod, then please come tell me you want credit, so then I can @ you in the credits.

LuLGamingg played my mod!

Here's the gameplay, and go sup to em.

"If you really believe in something, it can be yours."This is a FNF mod, not a FNaTI game.The art used for the Sprites (AKA the renders) are not mine. Credit...

Now the download link should be there, and it should work.

(It's my first time, sorry for that.)