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This is a platformer about a robot that is the last one left in this world. In the game you will learn different mechanics of this world, as well as try to find more survivors #platformer

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

I have a 0:30 night, I just figured out how to make laser mechanics, here's alpha 3.3

Hello everyone I'll add lasers and gun's in 3.3, but there's a problem, I don't know anything, and there's no time, the anime won't look at itself.

I have released alpha 3.2

Hi, in the next 3.3, I will add guns that will shoot at you

Hello everyone, I wanted to release alpha 3.2 in the near future, but my computer crashed. I will be glad if you recommend the game to your friends, or if you have a YouTube channel (or another), make a video or post please.