Immortal Sins
8 years ago

Bi-Weekly Update #42

So, after a break due to irl stuff, I return to development of Immortal Sins. Along with fixing reported bugs, I have done some work in improving the game.
Graphical and Lighting updates:
While still waiting for some artwork, I worked into improving the presentation and some balancing. In the graphical department three things were applied:

  1. Transition for the ship. Having the ship sprite (which is pretty small) is really silly (and pretty funny) when it’s in a city map. Instead of that, I created a transition so it looks nicer and fits much better:

  1. Changing the doors. This a bit more practical, since the doors are usually bigger. And to avoid smashing heads ;-)


(This was taken from an older developer build, so don’t panic)

  1. Re-work the lighting. The current lighting is fine, but it has it’s own issues when I’m working on interiors. Since tinting the screen ignores the overlays I am using on the interiors, they can look like they just simply sit above the game area. Plus the night tint doesn’t look nice in some areas when I include assets for lighting (such as a lantern or a candle) since it looks like they don’t light up the room or area. For practicality and visual improvement, I redone the lighting in a similar fashion shown in the Crystal Cave. This is a much improved solution, as the lighting is much more custom and it’s less of a hassle to update the overlays used on the interior maps, as the lighting is rendered above the overlays.


That is all for now. See you on the next post.



Next up

The new package manager UI in action. Works regardless if you skipped the launcher or not.

While I'm preparing August's Monthly Sync, I'm preparing a Trello board for the game. You can see what I'm working on here. Pardon my dust, while I'm getting this up and running.

Wrote a tool that installs the game's dependencies. That means Northbridge will always use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.

It's a bit early, but I have something cooking. Keep an eye out.

Added achievements. Because why not?

A small teaser for the next update.

Implementing Armor Corrosion. This put quite a dent in the target's armor for a short time.

Jump List returns in the next update.

Waz zis? An overhauled map? Yes. Coming soon.

Done some improvements to the backup system. Even added an icon to let you know that it's working.