Sonic and the Mayhem Master
2 years ago

Preview of the new main menu in Mekanikko. To be honest, this is more simplified than the previous menu. However, this consumes less memory size and it is more optimized than the last.



Next up

Hey guys, I'll be taking a break for a while.

Drawing commissions to keep myself afloat while handling my thesis in my university. I hope you guys understand. I'll be seeing you all in the next build.

Working on the new Chapter One in Mekanikko. Here's a preview of these upcoming colorful characters that you'll meet in the future!

Meet the enchanted traffic enforcer, Accelyte!

She'll introduce the player to Yellow Bullets (originally blue) for the first time. Her attacks focus on your mouse cursor for damage, while sneaking in some cheeky shots at Auton.

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀


#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

Meet the petrol pumping robot in Mekanikko, Fizzler!

Since this would be the first chapter, I want to make sure that players are adjusted to the red bullet mechanic, and what better way to do that with a robot that shoots gas bubbles and barrages

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

Meet Oozie the Slime Rattler

Its amorphous body consists of a cuboid brain in a shape of a die. This solid core decides its attacks by randomly rolling a number. While they are trivial, they can pack a deadly punch if one is not prepared.

A new enemy approaches...

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

My apologies for the lack of posts in here. I'll be planning to move this game to a new page for Mekanikko, while maintaining this page in its final state for Mayhem Master.