Dill Smith

8 months ago

Progress! (WIP)

Finally I have a team! Progress is slow but at a good pace. The images I've shown are super early and don't represent the full game but I felt like it's been long enough since I've shown something.

Here's the plan:

I want to get the prologue finished as a proof of concept. This won't have all the game mechanics that are in the rest of the game but it'll be something to show people. The next step will be crowdfunding. This will hopefully help pay artist and musicians to help at least finish the steam demo which will be the prologue and chapter 1. We'll see what the situation is when we get to that point but hopefully that'll put us in a good position.

I hope to continue to share our progress with you all. Hopefully soon I'll be able to show you the early battle system. It's about 60% done so it might be another month until you see it. As for other projects I haven't really had time to work on anything else recently.

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Next up

Art dump...

My new project is a dungeon crawler! (W.i.p.)

Dill Smith [Human form] concept art (Help the artist!!!)

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

Pure Chaos (Name not final) concept art

🕹️ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! 🕹️

Learn the rules here:

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here:…

The jam has cash prizes! 💸💸💸

More concept art

From Portrait to character sprite... (Wip)

Under the Desert Sky~

I wanted to remaster, an older piece of mine. How did I do? Tap/swipe to see the piece I created a whole year ago in January of 2023!

Strange Occurrence