Mega Man: The Rulers of Space
30 days ago

The tweet said "if you're currently working on a video game, take a short break, pick a number in your code or data files, multiply it by 1000, and post the results"

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Next up

A custom time control system for #UnrealEngine. Footage shows all time slowed down, then later only Enemy & Environment time slow being toggled.

Time can be categorized and put into a hierarchy for an unlimited level of control. #gamedev

Started working on the Parallax Scrolling system. VERY basic so far, but the core concept seems to work.

(You can now better see our shadow effects at work though!)

#megaman #gamedev #unrealengine

Debug 'kill all loaded enemies' on R1 lol.

It's a test of my "Shared Event Asset" system concept for #UnrealEngine.

It might not mean much to most people, but it could help make Events much easier to setup. Technical details in replies.

When Dr Wily goes HARDSTYLE

The slide was FAKED in the trailer! But it is now a real slide that properly functions. Woosh!

#UnrealEngine #gamedev #megaman

Streaming today 10/17 at Noon Central Time on Twitch and YouTube! Follow, Subscribe, turn on notifications to come hang out and celebrate VGM and more!


I'm in a lot of pain today (TLDR I have medical issues with pain management) so I'm going to push the stream to tomorrow night Thursday, same time 8PM EST, and hope I'm alright by then.

I hate to do this but my condition is worse than yesterday so I have to say that I will not be able to do any more work or streams until I can get back to a stable health.

Have a picture of Sticky sitting with me as compensation for now.

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Buster Sparkles ✨✨✨ (I've been dying to add details like this!)

#gamedev #megaman