Post about Comics!

The rest of Part 1.

#FelizSabado, banda. #Batman hizo su debut en #detectivecomics n° 27 un 30 de Marzo de 1939. Hoy uno de los héroes más icónicos de la cultura pop cumple 85 años.

Remastered the old comics, and actually added more panels!


Anime edit enjoy

BRO WTF!? I HAVEN'T POSTED FOR 3 DAYS. OOP. So I'm working on some Pokedance art, because sadly I missed Pokemon day😭😭😭 NO. I Also miss ash bitches.


I was playing ultimate costome night and dd came and this happend

i'm gonna go finish regualar show before spring break ends

I drew Jyushimatsu who appears in Osomatsu-san! I think I'll draw other Osomatsu-san characters someday.