Movies & TV
Post about Movies & TV!

No trombone? How about a trumpet

New BNJR episode out now, for all you lovelies!

Only ONE MORE left after this before the movie! :D


alpha 🔥🔥🥶🥶🥶🎉🎉🗣🗣🗣🍷🗿


Добавлена партия травы 1 + физика мяча и выделение взаимодействующих объектов

(И да, этот розовый кубик - Лунтик.)


#Game_dev #game_development #Luntik #Game #Development #Physics_2D #Atmospheric #Made_with_Unity

2й сезон конечно прикольный, но блин столько экшена


Movie Sonic Redraw (And Redesigned).


Jax Justun Studios Video #50 - (Created on: Jan. 11th, 2025) I can't believe we'd all made it this far folks!!!! #50OfficialJJSvideos from 2024 through today here in 2025!!!!! And now, Haxx Hustun Studios has an amazing video to show you all here!!!!!!!!!

Fnaf news/five nights at freddy's series news

my new challenge is to reanimate bfoi and remake all the characters

and i will probably changed bottle o glue's asset bc i dont really like it rn