

Short animation of one of @CalQell 's drawings made in Blender.

Drawing was imported into Blender as a Grease Pencil object, then rigged and animated.

#Blender #Animation #Drawing #GreasePencil

A little experiment with importing a drawing into Blender.

(It's not a texture, it's a Grease Pencil object)

#Blender #GreasePencil #Drawing #Experiment #Import

Another experiment with importing a slightly more complicated drawing (with colors) into Blender as a Grease Pencil object.

#Blender #GreasePencil #Drawing #Experiment #Import

Short animation of summoning a dark god made in Blender from a mix of 2D (Grease Pencil) and 3D objects.

All Grease Pencil objects were animated using interpolation.

#Blender #Animation #Cartoon #GreasePencil #Dark #Cult #Summoning

Summoning of Dark God - Blender Animation
Short animation made in Blender mixing 2D (Grease Pencil) and 3D objects rendered on the Eevee engine.All grease pencil objects were animated using interpola...