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World of GrayZone is teaming with subtropical life. Birds and pterodactyls glide through the sky, rivers are full of fish, reptiles crawl the land ...

#indiegame #indiegamedev #madewithunity #unity3d #indiedev #tactics #rtt #rts #gamedev #birds

Transport vehicle (Chromosome evil)

Can you guess from which movie is this inspired from?

#horror #RTT #RTS #topdown #pixelart #tactical #lovecraft #survival #horror #strategy

[Chromosome evil - RTS + horror ] my attempt to complement the main story with environment storytelling #screenshotsaturday #horror #RTT #RTS #topdown #pixelart #tactical #lovecraft #survival

Happy new year!

We hope to release Chromosme evil in 2021

#horror #RTT #RTS #topdown #pixelart #tactical #lovecraft #survival