
Stay tuned for updates on the progress of this work-in-progress model. We will keep you informed as development continues.
#blender #b3d #charactergame #gamedev #stylized #cartoon #sculpture #wip #3d

This is the wireframe of this shark guy.
His have around 9032 polygons
#blender #b3d #unrealengine #characterdesign #stylized #cartoon #pirate #shark #3dgame #gamedev #charactergame

This is the rig that I made to this big guy. I'm using the Riggify addon of blender. I deleate the face bones and I made something more simple.
#blender #b3d #unrealengine #characterdesign #stylized #cartoon #dinosaur #3dgame #gamedev #charactergame

This was the first enemy that I made for the demo his name is "Tiburon Zarpado"
I really Enjoy Making this guy, specially his 8 animations
#blender #b3d #unrealengine #characterdesign #stylized #cartoon #pirate #shark #3dgame #gamedev #charactergame