game_development in Indie Game Community

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Hi. Made another triplets, this time it's about San's sprites. Soon I'll make Shiro's sprites, too.

Oh, "who's Shiro?" you may ask... It's okay, I didn't introduce him yet, I think. Maybe it's time to color his drawing too. It's Pride month, after all!

Uzhik – picture of level! In a bright garden!

Uzhik – it is continue to be in development. Now I am doing for Uzhik a decoration visual. I draw a levels. So, now it is, already, there is understanding - how it will look.

Hello! I finally made a first triplet for Haru's character! Talking about sprites, ofc! I'm sorry, I can't work with simple placeholders so I obviously made some sprites instead. I won't post them tho! You'll see the magic when I'll post a video instead

The most awkward death was in my own demo game, when I wanted to make a tutorial enemy and I made it too strong. But that also gave me a great idea!


So I've managed: Cleaning, Building, basic stock management and customer AI. I now bring you... Texture painting! Any suggestions on what comes next?


Now I've got the beginnings of co-op over Steam. Looks like I'll have to mess about with predictions, and then sync all the enemy and loot stuff over. It's a shame you can't test out multiple clients on the same pc because they need different steam users.

Hello! How are you? I'm working on some characters sprites! Wanna take a look?

Have a great day, I'm going to work some more!


Hi! Today it's PLACEHOLDER day! I'm going to make placeholders, but they will rather simple. Also, I might try to make a little spin-off just to develop a little game and see if I can study more RPGMaker as well. Wish me luck!

And have a great day!


Environment/Lighting test