Fangames in Five Nights at F***boy's: The Community

Share your epic s**t!

It's Here!, Springtrap Kills The CAE Universe Has Been Released

I am currently making a new game be sure to check it out and maybe follow. I'm gonna post daily sneakpeaks & progress

The Gloom Freddy game's now released, play it now!

Update 0.1.1

Hello People of The Internet I would like to ask you.
What is the thing that you would added/changed in CC+
Can be something as small as changing music or as big as adding a boss, who knows maybe it will end up in Next Big Update of This?

Alright everyone gamepage is OUT! demo will come sooner. Just a lil longer

Thank you for 50 followers + doing something I rarely do.

Regarding the bee status

what the actual community project is (GE REGILDED)

to keep it short:

Happy 10th Anniversary FNaFb !

Hello gamers, this post is pretty much how greatful I am to be in this community, pretty much all the peoples are amazing and so I've come to post my appreciation as well.

Some things to note are in the Article: