general in GameMaker Studio 2

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For day 741 of coding; the pathways now actually take the player to a new section of the maze, but I'm encountering a new problem to be addressed

There is also the issue of pathways clumping together


For day 740 of coding, I have it to where the other pathways will be available. Unfortunately; the pathways seem to cluster together, and they take me back to the entrance


For day 739 of coding, I am currently working on having the means to determine where to place other pathways to other areas of the maze


For day 738 of coding, I have finished applying the exit placements for each direction the player enters from


For day 737 of coding, I have gotten the exit placement to work when the player enters left


For day 736 of coding, I have refined the exit a bit to be only one size


For day 735 of coding, I am working on having an exit placed where the player enters the maze. There are still some adjustments to be made, but I am happy about the progress made


For day 734 of coding, I am working having the camera follow the player when entering the maze. the camera so far works there, but there seems to be a stutter during transitions to other areas


For day 733 of coding, I managed to get the collisions to work correctly in the maze. I just had to use the tilemap_get_at_pixel() function with the hitbox edges

For week 52 of my weekly pixel art. I recreated the Gamemaker Studio 2 logo