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#roguelike #action #adventure #rpg
"Caverns and Dryads" is a 2D action RPG with roguelike and dungeon crawler elements, in which you play the role of a dryad female warrior, AND a male wizard, who go together on adventures without end through abandoned cities and dungeons full of monsters. 

Some features:

  • Unorthodox approach - you play two characters: the female warrior and the male wizard. 

  • The game is about exploring, combat with monsters, and the relationship between the two characters. Action, romance (if you want) , and exploration.

  • Levels, story, and quests are randomly generated but balanced by game logic. 

  • Players are heroes: they don't die easy. Instead, the wizard can resurrect the warrior, but at the price of stats and items, or other costs, that can be recovered by playing wisely.

  • As a result, the game never ends, and every play is different. 

  • The story reacts to what you do, and the relationship of the protagonists, and changes all the time. So every time you play, you can have a different adventure.

  • The levels will be replayable, and you will be able to move to one to the other, not having a linear quest gameplay. Some quests will require you to go to a particular place and do something, like killing some foe or rescuing someone, or finding something. Or you can just explore and move freely.

  • Designed for the casual player, but without sacrificing depth.

Game credits:
Soundtrack by Solas Composer:
Programming and graphics: myself. It's a solo developer game programmed from scratch in Unity and using my own C# custom code.


It will be for Android and Windows, but may be for other systems if there's testers. 

Windows: Windows 10, 64 bits, or above (64 bits).
Android: Android 5.1 or above.

Tags: #fantasy #fantasyart #roguelike #dungeoncrawler #arcade #rogue #dungeon

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

About to begin coding, read the article!


My favorite part: painting light and saturation. Monsters are finished! Now, scenes. #fantasy #fantasyart

Doing the monsters still. Now I have to paint more and retouch, including lighting on postwork. After that I have to scale them right. Then include them in the game.

Monster preview for my game Caverns and Dryads. This one is the Vulkur, a paramental entity that can take any appearance and twist space dimensions. And eat you too.

Ended the painting phase of the images of most monsters. Now beginning the retouch color and light one.

This one will also go for the protagonist. Soon I hope to show you some video of the monsters too.

I miss games of the roguelike kind that focus on artistic images and playing features, that excite imagination but at the same time are able to show a good game art. That is what I hope to accomplish with "Caversn & Dryads".

More art for the game. Enjoy!
This is the kind of images for the heroine that I'm going to include.
Still working on the monsters, then the scenes.

One image that will probably go in the game, of Tamzyn, the warrior nymph princess.
I've been also making monsters but I'm in the painting phase and it takes a lot of time. Maybe I do a short video at the end.


Animation test for the banner.

This may be the loading screen.

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