2 years ago

Intro Video..I think the end of the sequence needs some tweaking.



Next up

Simple splash screen...

The Player weapon is located behind a door, which requires Three Keys to unlock. The player must solve this puzzle to obtain one of the Keys. Before the puzzle can be solved, it must be activated.

Updated version, will stick with this one for now..

Targeting completed on interactables. Now to test on some enemies :)

Ok, first level gameplay demo completed. Will focus a little more on video production, but this is the best I can do for now. Please share, any and all feedback will be appreciated.

Found this in the archive. ZELDA style targeting in Unreal Engine.

Targeting play test on some enemy characters.

Sample start screen..

The Warrior was re-designed.

Like, share, tell me what you think.

Basic character design. More armor will be added as the story progresses...