
4 years ago

new level design, new gameplay changes, and now a new playermodel



Next up

first item: more new enemies for the roster.

second item: level generation is now able to give the ship a stable hull. this took a while because as it turns out the math to determine "outside edge of the ship" was a bit more complex then first intended.

expanding ship hull generation to include some hullplating over the current gaps. WIP, and there's gaps in the coverage but those are getting patched

limited working code for painting planets, not all the sections work right just yet, sadly.

#strategy #scifi #textadventure #rpg #4X

HUD test

minor progress on the new procgen code

despite an entire backbone rewiring, we are so back.

crowdfunding this project:

#strategy #scifi #textadventure #rpg #4X

the UI states work now.

player UI is coming together.

ingame machines and gameplay build progressing.

some weaknesses being addressed and features added

-games not spooky enough yet

-too one note if its the same type of ship over and over again

-out of map boundaries and can i make the level endless?

-level variety still too dry and empty