Post about RPG!


#pixelart #rpgmaker


Now I've got the beginnings of co-op over Steam. Looks like I'll have to mess about with predictions, and then sync all the enemy and loot stuff over. It's a shame you can't test out multiple clients on the same pc because they need different steam users.

New update available!

Fixed some spelling errors.

Fixed the issue where the characters wouldn't change with said scene.

Added some music.

Changed some areas and made them a bit smaller.

And so far thats it tune next time for an update!


my gameplay video I hope you enjoy also it's very hard to hear me and I'm sorry the video cuts off abruptly my video screen recorder thing cuts off after 9 minutes and I had to post it through this. it only allows images on my profile.

let me just open my menu OH WHAT THE-

Gotta watch out for those rooftop assassins.

#rogue #oc #fantasy #art #dungeonsanddragons

cat? game idea mockup

The gang's all here

Working on a new background! I'm thinking it needs some more colors. Purple flowers, maybe?

What do you think?

АААА! Мне тут RuStore устроил интервью! Шок контент

Даже мою фотку прикрепили!