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Oh look, that flying guy from before is back! And he's brought friends.

I made the Scattergun better! The pellets have a much tighter spread now, and behave more like a real shotgun. Now you'll be able to do meaningful amounts of damage at more than point blank.
The point blank double shot still works pretty well though.

RTG - The Ray-Traced Game: arcade/puzzle game in development which uses 'software ray-tracing' technology.
Example of new puzzle level where you can see 'gravity inverter', 'charged light shooter' and 'carriable boxes'.
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One last retrospective! It's - uh - not very long.
That first sprite is actually a recolor of a sprite I paid a contractor to do. It was meant as a placeholder for the real deal.
Also, the last one is my first ever human face. What a milestone!

Another retrospective! Here's the incredible evolution of Tuhrahkkkii, the battle-hungry mercenary. No one's sure whose side he's on, but one thing is clear - that 2013 sprite is hilariously awful.
Happy New Year by the way!

Merry Christmas! I'm not gonna have much time for game dev, so here's a retrospective instead! I give you: the evolution of Nightmare.
Wow, I've been working on these games for a long time. My pixel art may not be perfect, but it's definitely improved.… Ren and Stimpy There Goes The Neighborhood

Chapter 6N is finally DONE!
We are very nearly at the end of Nightmare's campaign. I hope to have a new demo / early-access release out some time next year.
(This picture has nothing to do with anything.)

Bookmaster Spirit Saga
"A New Chapter Of A Saga"
- Plot Synposis -

Hey players! If I seem quiet lately, it's only because I've been hard at work at super-spoilery late game content!
In the meantime, here's a nice, pensive, context-free screenshot to take the edge off. Enjoy!