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Oh look, that flying guy from before is back! And he's brought friends.



I made the Scattergun better! The pellets have a much tighter spread now, and behave more like a real shotgun. Now you'll be able to do meaningful amounts of damage at more than point blank.

The point blank double shot still works pretty well though.


RTG - The Ray-Traced Game: arcade/puzzle game in development which uses 'software ray-tracing' technology.
Example of new puzzle level where you can see 'gravity inverter', 'charged light shooter' and 'carriable boxes'.

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One last retrospective! It's - uh - not very long.

That first sprite is actually a recolor of a sprite I paid a contractor to do. It was meant as a placeholder for the real deal.

Also, the last one is my first ever human face. What a milestone!

Another retrospective! Here's the incredible evolution of Tuhrahkkkii, the battle-hungry mercenary. No one's sure whose side he's on, but one thing is clear - that 2013 sprite is hilariously awful.

Happy New Year by the way!

Merry Christmas! I'm not gonna have much time for game dev, so here's a retrospective instead! I give you: the evolution of Nightmare.

Wow, I've been working on these games for a long time. My pixel art may not be perfect, but it's definitely improved.

Chapter 6N is finally DONE!

We are very nearly at the end of Nightmare's campaign. I hope to have a new demo / early-access release out some time next year.

(This picture has nothing to do with anything.)

Bookmaster Spirit Saga

"A New Chapter Of A Saga"

- Plot Synposis -

Hey players! If I seem quiet lately, it's only because I've been hard at work at super-spoilery late game content!

In the meantime, here's a nice, pensive, context-free screenshot to take the edge off. Enjoy!