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a video from a friend consisting of a "saying a lot of things as ___" style voice overs and stuff. why am i bringing this up? cuz its underrated af. go submit what yall want Elias and Maniac to say.

Incase anyone wants to draw my OCs, here's the sheet I'd prefer be followed for it 'v'

"See you in hell... to you and your rotten sense of Justice" Timelapse

"See you in hell... to you and your rotten sense of Justice."

The shop gets an upgrade.
thanks to @AVGE123 and @The_Sans_Comic_Artist

Made an attack sheet for Akuto's god form
Doesn't cover everything
(That one attack at the bottom left is reality warping. He turned his flail into a yo-yo)

POV: The mfs that me and @The_Sans_Comic_Artist made