KitKat's Corner in Da Gang
Get typing
I control the gremlins. Especially when they commit arson. ( @Glitchtrap666666 and @TheRealFoxy101 )
Random hc for shinu:
He tries to learn how to take care of plants because kaosu likes them, but tremendously fails every time. Every plant he gets dies. Also he totally once punched a plant because it was "growing wrong"
If you guys didnt want to watch that stupid video i made, heres the 1 hour side of goku.
@TheRealFoxy101 @Glitchtrap666666 some days i wonder how you two still consider me a friend-
I am not the brightest person here-
So uh whilst i have a panic attack take cat rui
Stolen from @TheRealFoxy101 :p
Also if anyone says anything weird i will bite them
I drew both of the album covers- now time to work on that edit thingy. Idk how that’s gonna go..
Here’s the speed paint for my latest drawing! (For the drawing, check out my profile.)
shinu posing like akaza makes too much sense. (Speed paint in a second)